Sunday, October 12, 2014

This poster designed by Lizandro Fertz is eye catching and could definitely hold its own in a fighting match. I like that the headliner is overlapping the mask.  This helps add interest and helps the piece stand out.  I don't like how the text bellow the headliner is all perfectly centered.  It would help the design if some of this font was rearranged so that the text doesn't create a jagged edge, and was lined up a little better.  There is a good amount of movement in the piece as the text seems to move hear and there.  The mask however seems to remain strong and stationary.  The illustration is simple but it does the job.  The font arrangement could use some work.  It isn't good that the smallest font is at the bottom of the page.  it seems as though it is being crushed underneath the larger text. It is also interesting that the font is consistent until you reach the very bottom and then it changes.  This isn't necessarily bad, because it helps the e-mail to stand out, but it might be better if it was put at the top of the page.

Chocho Maldito Poster - Stone Boat - Lizandro Fertz

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